Monday, September 24, 2007

How much Lotro Gold do you have?

Im really curious as to the amount of gold folks have saved up. I hear rumors of some rare folks with thousands of gold, and on the other end people dead broke from repairs (such as Guardians).

If you are interested, please post your monies and what your class/craft is too cause that would be an interesting bit of info as well.

Im curious about the median wealth levels as it relates to up-coming housing costs. I assume Turbine has completely graphed out the wealth levels of the player population in order to figure out what housing costs the economy will bear, and Id like an informal idea from you guys myself.

And needless to say, be honest. I personally dont care if joe has 200g and jim 1.5g, I just want to get an idea of game wide cash.

I'll start.

Hi Im Pluck, a completely honest and innocent Hobbit Burglar and GM Scholar, and I have around 100g.
What level Pluck?

My 37 champ has 2.7 ish gold, and owns a horse and two extra vault bags.

My 32 hunter has 4.2 ish gold.

I've never farmed for gold with either, just sell stuff I collect along the way, and I'm an explorer with both characters. But as an explorer, I've never purposefully mined. I just pick up what I run by.

My champ had 5.something when he hit 35. I never understand people who cant afford a horse at 35. I didn't even have to try.
Ahh sorry Im level 50, been there for a couple of months. I made most of my money off scholar crafting and a bit of obsessive-compulsive angmar farming. =) Ok a lot. I have no life.

Im also hoping folks who bought gold dont post, but theres no way to know for sure.
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